Life Sciences Program

It doesn't matter what type of business you own or manage - all businesses are susceptible to cyber attacks.


Understanding the INs and OUTs of health insurance has become more and more difficult over the past several years.

Luckily, we're here to help

At The Bunker Insurance & Risk Management, we have access to a long list of health insurance providers and can walk you through your options.

The Employee Morale Boosters

The parts that encourage healthy employee morale within your company are the ones that are often overlooked.

Group Health

Worksite Benefits

Payroll Tax Benefits

Seemless Payroll Integration

Employee Benefits Portal

Small Business Tax Credits

Group health is the key to quality employees

The often-overlooked solution to a lot of your problems. What’s holding you back from implementing benefits in your company? The cost? The “complexity”?

Hands down, setting strong a group health plan with a worksite benefits program helps alleviate key factors within your company that cost you more than the cost of the employer contribution that normally goes into the plan.

The four benefits of...Benefits

  1. Small business health insurance can save money
    • One of the biggest advantages to group health ones is the cost savings. In the immediate picture, this might not make much sense. Enter pre-tax options and employee morale being kept high means less turnover which leads to less training of new employees and less time admin needs to spend hiring, recruiting, and educating basic company functions.
  2. Lower cost due to a larger pool
    • The larger the group the better the pricing. Of course, other factors weigh like the average age of the group, but with a larger population, you gain access to better plans, lower premiums, and a more robust program all throughout.
  3. Tax incentives for offering health insurance to employees
    • There exist specific Small Business Healthcare Tax Credits that allow small businesses breathing room when it comes to considering implementing group health for their team. The qualifications are too exacting and in our experience, we’ve come across many who’ve applied. This is one of the biggest advantages of group health insurance from an employer's perspective.
  4. Positive work environment and happy employees
    • The BEST employees are the ones that are happy doing what they do. They’re encouraged to do their best work thanks to a strong company culture that serves as a driving force. These employees:
      • Feel appreciated
      • Care about their employer and job
      • See growth potential within the company
      • Feel valued and appreciated
      • Work toward bettering the company for the benefit of everyone.
      • Are less likely to leave for “greener pastures”.

Will group health insurance solve all your problems? No. But it’s definitely a step in the right direction to distinguish yourself against the competition that might be trying to poach your top talent.

Group Health Insurance FAQ

The qualifiers for these plans are the following as of the writing of this answer:

  • You have fewer than 25 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
  • Your average employee salary is about $50,000 per year or less
  • You pay at least 50% of your full-time employees' premium costs
  • You offer SHOP coverage to all of your full-time employees. (You don't have to offer it to dependents or employees working fewer than 30 hours per week to qualify for the tax credit.)

This was taken from and can change with every new year so we encourage you to check there to see if you still qualify.


We paint the full picture for your employees to visually see what you're providing for them and the extent of your program through Benefit Statements. Your employees will get a clear picture of all you've put in for them and will understand your investment in them is far more than their paycheck.

Start Your Group Health Quote Below:

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