With the upcoming 2022 IAOA convention, I wanted to provide a quick recap of how beneficial last year’s was.
In three days, I learned so much, and I’ve already implemented several things in my agency to make my customer experience better, and our process in the business better.

I wanted to share some tips that I learned at that conference that can be helpful to any business, not just insurance agents.
Consistent content
Social media has allowed each business to create a platform for themselves. How are you using yours? Is it a post today and nothing for a few months? Is that the impression you want your prospects to have?
Social media can show the human side of your business. Post consistent, useful content sprinkled with some of your personality to create a company that the public wants to engage with.
One of the tips we received was batching your content creation. Block time on your calendar each week to create content that targets your ideal prospect.
If your business allows for things to be automated in order to provide a better customer experience and to free yourself from working IN the business vs ON the business- DO IT.
Most prospects and clients want to use technology to a degree, while still having access to humans for any questions. Technology is not the enemy, it’s a partner to any business. The better we utilize it the more profitable our businesses can be.
Lastly, something every business owner is dealing with right now.
Mainly your hiring practice. What does that look like? Do you have a process to hire and onboard a new employee? If you want to attract good talent, and keep them you have to be different from the get go. Here are three tips I picked up on hiring a new team member:
- Require a video submission of why they want to work for you
- Have them take a personality / IQ test to make sure they fit with your existing team
- Have buy-in from your entire team before hiring someone. One bad apple can rot the existing team.
I hope these tips were helpful for you, as they were for me. I’m looking forward to going to the IAOA conference this October in Nashville to learn from the best, and better my business.